πHow to stake PERC and PERC/ETH SushiSwap LP (SLP) tokens
In this guide, we'll show you how you can stake your PERC tokens, or your PERC/ETH SushiSwap LP (SLP) Tokens, to start earning rewards.
Our staking contract has been audited by Certik, click here to view the the report.
Head to the PERC Staking page and connect your wallet to get started.
Using a mobile device? If you're trying to stake using a mobile device, you may need to go into the browser section of you wallet and enter https://staking.perion.gg/ to access our staking platform.
If you want to stake your PERC tokens, click the Stake button in the PERC Pool.
If you want to stake your PERC/ETH SushiSwap LP tokens (SLP), click the Stake button in the PERC/ETH LP Pool.
If you don't have any PERC or PERC/ETH LP (SLP) tokens yet, head to our How to buy PERC tokens or our How to get PERC/ETH SushiSwap LP (SLP) tokens before continuing.
Select or Enter the Amount of tokens you'd like to stake. To do this you can:
4.1. enter an amount in the field
4.2. select a percentage of the PERC or SLP tokens you have in your connected wallet, or
4.3. click the Max button to stake 100% of the PERC or SLP tokens you have in your connected wallet.
Next, select a Lock-up period. You can do this by:
5.1. Clicking on the 1 month, 12 months, or 36 months buttons, or
5.2. Clicking Custom and then dragging the slider to your preferred lock-up period.
If you are staking for the first time, you will need to click the Approve To Spend button and confirm the transaction via your wallet before proceeding to click the Stake button.
Once you're happy with the amount you'd like to stake and the lock-up period
6.1. Click the checkbox to agree to our Disclaimer and Terms
6.2. Click the Stake button and then
6.3. Confirm the transaction via your wallet to start staking.
Once your staking has begun, you can head to the My Positions tab to check the status of your staked tokens.
Last updated